No trip to our nation's capital was complete without a trip there.
I don't know I was ever in the Shandwick Place shop.
The 12 inch bags with the "I found it at Bruce's " were iconic.
A pal of mine, courtesy of a nice redundancy and moving there to be with his lady, opened his own record shop in Montrose, 35 miles or thereby down the coast from Aberdeen.
He's doing OK courtesy of the mail order side during Covid, up and running again now.
The Shandwick Place shop was right next to the bus-stop for Riccarton Campus, where I idled my time away for a few years. If you‘ve got a few pound in your pocket what else can you do? To this day remember going in and buying the 1st Patti Smith and Tom Petty records on the same day. Doesn’t get much better than that. Beans on toast for the rest of the week.
Fellow I know had to give up on bricks and mortar and is now solely 2nd hand via discogs. Not an easy option. The effort put in to listing, packing and despatch is pretty onerous given the slim margins. There‘s a pretty decent hi-fi shop in Montrose if I remember right, so I’m guessing your pal must pick up a bit of business through their client base?
@Walkerinthesun Yeah, he moved up to Montrose and was job hunting/future planning and he was aware that the Tech/Hifi place was going like a fair.
He did his market research, there was also a bunch of new housing developments on the go, in the price range of people of a certain age, probably down to road infrastructure improving to the extent that both Dundee and Aberdeen are now commutes.
The tech store told him that they were selling turntables like there was no tomorrow, so he saw a market for new and second hand vinyl, as well as CDs.
He did really well pre covid and seems to have ticked over during it.
Haven't visited in an age, but when this bloody war is finally over, I'll pop in during a visit to the family in Stonehaven.
Not a Scot. Enjoyed that.
Something else that might interest my fellow Scots-
I well remember Bruce's in Rose Street.
No trip to our nation's capital was complete without a trip there.
I don't know I was ever in the Shandwick Place shop.
The 12 inch bags with the "I found it at Bruce's " were iconic.
A pal of mine, courtesy of a nice redundancy and moving there to be with his lady, opened his own record shop in Montrose, 35 miles or thereby down the coast from Aberdeen.
He's doing OK courtesy of the mail order side during Covid, up and running again now.