Not proud to be Norwegian in this matter. The guy nominating him, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, has been, continues to be and with this, has even managed to become an even bigger, embarrassment. He's an imbecile. He and the party he is a member of is a far right and thinly veiled or borderline racist party. The scary thing is that so many people vote for them, the party was founded to reduce taxation in 1973. When they were finally voted into government in 2013, taxes of most kinds have actually increased a lot. I find that hilarious, but their followers are like Trumps': they still don't see that what they are voting for and supporting are lies, even when it's blatantly clear that these politicians are lying to their faces.
The man nominating him is a far right wing politician. In 2020 there were 318 people nominated. The administration of the Peace prize was contracted out to Norway as a good will gesture when Norway got it's independence from Sweden 1908. If Trump, against all odds and common sense, got the prize I think this will be the last year Norway has anything to do with the prize. Giving it to Obama was a very bad move, Trump would be the last nail in the Norweigian Nobel coffin.
Not proud to be Norwegian in this matter. The guy nominating him, Christian Tybring-Gjedde, has been, continues to be and with this, has even managed to become an even bigger, embarrassment. He's an imbecile. He and the party he is a member of is a far right and thinly veiled or borderline racist party. The scary thing is that so many people vote for them, the party was founded to reduce taxation in 1973. When they were finally voted into government in 2013, taxes of most kinds have actually increased a lot. I find that hilarious, but their followers are like Trumps': they still don't see that what they are voting for and supporting are lies, even when it's blatantly clear that these politicians are lying to their faces.
He and his son in law have done so much for peace in the ME. It’s only deserved.
All jokes aside, Barack “Drone” Obama got one...
The man nominating him is a far right wing politician. In 2020 there were 318 people nominated. The administration of the Peace prize was contracted out to Norway as a good will gesture when Norway got it's independence from Sweden 1908. If Trump, against all odds and common sense, got the prize I think this will be the last year Norway has anything to do with the prize. Giving it to Obama was a very bad move, Trump would be the last nail in the Norweigian Nobel coffin.
I spat my soup reading this.
We have a different thread for jokes...