Just flicking through the various news on a day to day basis, Jaysus things are a mess. Trump's re-election bid, the Johnson government's hapless attempts to, well, govern and a planet in meltdown.
Where in the hell does this all end?
If Trump gets re-elected I think it places the world in more jeopardy than ever previously in my lifetime.
He is unelectable, yet he was just as unelectable last time.
Four years in government has placed his ignorance, insularity, narcissism and general incompetence on full display for everyone to see, yet he's still polling at 42% or thereby.
He should lose, you'd hope, but we keep hearing about how he was trailing by the same, or even greater, margins four years ago.
Then there's his lies about voter fraud, his attempts to suppress postal votes and his most recent exhortations to his cult members to vote twice.
This suggests he's laying the foundation to not accept the result (assuming the electoral college does not somehow get him the win again) and calling the cult members to arms.
I guess the screenplay for that would be entitled "A very redneck coup" or some such.
In the UK you have the de facto prime minister setting up a "NASA style mission control" staffed by his band of "weirdos and misfits".
This seems to me to be a means to digitally attempt to control the narrative (Cummings' modus operandi) with its walls of TV screens providing up the second data and analysis.
Controlling the narrative seems to be more important than governing which leads me to wonder how a PR obsessed government could be so unutterably shite at PR.
If it's not one of Cummongs' "weirdos" being sacked for tweeting about using "live rounds" on BLM protesters it's appointing a proudly homophobic, misogynist, racist, climate change denier as an overseas trade advisor.
There are similar, to a greater or lesser extent, shitshows kicking up through Europe and there are global instances of lunatics in positions of asylum control.
The whole scenario leads me to wonder how on earth we, as a planet, steer our way through an unprecedented global crisis with leaders of an unprecedented level of ineptitude, beyond, it would seem, the mantra of "let the markets decide".
Anyway, rant over. 😒
What I am most concerned about are vigilantes (as in Kenosha) and anonymous federal agents (as in Portland) being deployed by Trump to "supervise" polling stations and "prevent voter fraud". I wouldn't have entertained such thoughts even a year ago. But now...
I hesitate to put Trump on a pedestal as some uniquely bad leader. True, he's awful, but he's an heir to Reagan. Let's not forget Reagan himself ignored a pandemic because it mostly affected gay people. This is the America that the "Lincoln Project" and the Never Trump Republicans want us to go back to. Divorcing Trump from that reality is opening the door for another insane Republican to take power in a few years.
Biden's election is far from a certainty. It's become apparent to me that pollsters are significantly undercounting right-wingers in elections over the past few years, all over the world. Not one poll predicted Bojo the Clown would win by such a substantial margin in the UK last fall (I'll never forget the smears and lies that the media pushed on Corbyn to help facilitate that result.) And in 2016, while the national polls were basically accurate in terms of popular vote, the state-by-state polling was wildly off, especially in the small handful of swing states (which are all that matter in America's broken farce of an electoral system.) Clinton was deeply unpopular, so Biden's floor is probably higher, but who knows what will happen over the next 2 months.
I just watched this. Rather frightening...
Seeing how everything is going, it might not be so bad that we became extinct and only a few things survived, like vinylos, good books and that stuff. Hope some nice aliens enjoy it in the future.
And now we really are off...
Sensible, grown up chat. Let's hang on to this.
Oh Boy...Politics...lol.
It's certainly an interesting world we're living in these days. Back in the old GL days when we could talk politics, I had started a thread called 'The Teflon Don'...it was pre-election days and my general question was wondering how it was that Mr. Trump was at first, doing well in those early days when there were about 15 Republicans in the race...then actually winning the nomination...all the while he was saying pretty much anything he wanted. I still don't think I figured it out and not much has changed since. Except of course, he won the election...and here we are.
I haven't changed my own stance much either. I wasn't then or now a fan of Mr. Trump, maybe less so since we elected him President. But I don't believe he should shoulder the blame for all the worlds ills. I also don't think Mrs. Clinton lost that election because of any reason beyond her own failings and the failings of the Democratic Party. IMO they all thought they had it won from the moment Mr. Trump became the Republican nominee and didn't do nearly enough to win. In their defense, I think most of the planet figured it was an easy win too, But It wasn't the Electoral College or the Russians....or whatever. Mrs. Clinton was 'measuring the drapes' when she should have been campaigning harder...especially when the polls were close.
What's amazing to me is that 4 years after the most incredible loss in history, it's Senator Biden that the Dems came up with to defeat President Trump. I'm not sure who would have been a better choice, but it appeared to me that the Dems were not in any way united as the election moved closer and closer. That's not the best way to win....IMO.
I have no idea what's gonna happen in November...I would have bet everything I had on Mrs. Clinton in 2016...so no way I'll be making any predictions...lol. But whatever happens I don't think the world is gonna end. But ya never know.
Where the hell is my reply or am i the first person here to have a post deleted ?
From the outside looking in what perplexes me is, that on the face of it, the Trump base would appear to be the type of Americans who see their military officers as sacrosanct, who blindingly believe their democracy is the greatest on the planet, who see their constitution as second only to the Bible. This bloke has mocked or insulted military personnel on several occasions, is trying to subvert their democracy, has used the Bible as a photo opp prop and has been figuratively wiping his ass with the constitution for four years. And still they cheer him on. It's gobsmacking from this side of the pond.
In the 70's and 80's, every second mainstream movie out of Hollywood was seemingly an action film depicting the good Americans beating the evil bad Russians. Now 40% of the population is happy to ignore their President colluding with Russia?
I just don't get it.
I raised the issue of Trump refusing to leave office as a 'what if' in, maybe, year two of his term on a thread in the old political forum on GL. As a non American, I was more asking what would happen if that occurred... And was pretty roundly laughed at by the conservative posters for raising a ridiculous notion.
I never did get any answers, looks like there are good odds I may find out the answer in a few months time...
I hope you're right. But the fact remains even if/when he gets huckled from Pennsylvania Avenue, the rebuild, the undoing of the enabling, will take a while.
I am hoping this military issue might bring trump down. Maybe this is it.
I agree. But the thing that scares me the most is how deeply and irreversibly truth and fiction seem to have become indistinguishable.
I've discovered The Young Turks just recently on YT, and had to sit down after I heard that Trump had called the veterans "suckers" and "losers".
What the fuck is wrong with the campaign the Democrats are leading, Biden should be getting 65-70% at the moment, he has 51?
Your rant might be over, but every word you have said is true.
I look at the next but one generation in my family, ranging in age from 6 to 24 and despair at the world we are leaving for them.
I am not sure I have ever felt so despondent - there have been many administrations whose policies I have detested, but I have never before felt they were utterly incompetent.