A week ago we said goodbye to our sweet dog Chloe. She was just over 13, and had lived with health problems the last year. Luckily for us, the pandemic kept us home so we could give her the full attention she needed (hand feeding sitting up on our laps, carrying her for 20 minutes after every meal, picking her up after every drink so it would go down, etc.)
Even with all that, she was happy and would go for her walks, run around playing, barking and cuddling. She was our first dog, and a perfect little companion to all of us. My husband carried her more than anyone, and she used to sleep beside him on the desk while he worked on the computer. He feels her loss very deeply.
The vet (COVID restrictions) allowed one person to be with Chloe at the end, and hold her, and that was me.
Very sorry for your loss, pets are part of your life and family.
I think what makes loss of a beloved dog so hard is the unconditional love. You know, occasionally your partner or child will come home at the end of a day angry, grumpy, frustrated with the day they've had and you need to adjust to their mood until it all passes.
Not with a dog. The bright eyed, tail wagging welcome is day in, day out.
Sorry for your loss, Karen.
Hi Karen. I echo every sentiment above. It isn't always easy to explain but the loss of a four legged family member can hit as hard if not harder than the two legged ones... Hope you guys are doing okay.
Karen, I'm so sorry.
We've all said goodbye to dogs (and other pets) on many occasions and it's horrible.
The only advice I give is to treat the process as a "proper" bereavement.
Because that's what it is.
A beloved family member has gone so grieve properly.
Take comfort in the fact you gave her as long and happy a life as any dog would ever ask for and also take comfort in all the brilliant memories you have of her.
I'm terribly sorry, Karen. She was blessed to have you both as her owners.
I'm very sorry. I know this is a heartache. It's clear from the photos Chloe was a loved member of the family.
Oh Karen, my heart goes out to you. Our dogs are special and she looks adorable.