Good afternoon:
1) The Rising Forum has won as the most voted option, so when we add the new license we will update the name. I have thought about putting as a motto "where the banned are".
2) No one gave their name to be a moderator, but in the binding vote 4 people said yes. If those people are still interested, I ask them to please forward it to me. We need more people to ensure that bad behavior does not appear in any thread (I say this as a precaution), and I do not give enough.
3) I am thinking of doing a crowfunding to collect the money from the donations of those who can contribute. Would you prefer some other payment system? (I am not aware of how it was done for example in the old lake).
4) I'm working on a new update, but I'm running into technical problems that I can't solve. I have asked a couple of professionals for help and I await their response. Before the big update, I think I will make a small one with some suggestions that you asked for in the vote. If these professionals cannot help me, these changes will take longer to arrive. I set a term of one year from today (it may sound like a lot, but for the birth from scratch of a web page with thousands and thousands of visits from zero moment is not bad).
Thank you all.
Thank you for all this. I’m liking the ‘motto’ too.
Thank you so much for all your hard work.
Thanks for all your hard work.